Sunday, 16 June 2013


With the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Kind

Just a reminder for myself.... 
adik adik tersayang..or even kakak kakak tersayang..percayalah..setiap apa yang lelaki cakap tak semestinya dia maksudkan..
it just like....
just because im texting u...doesnt mean that i like u..
just because i ask u out..doesnt mean that because you are hot.
just because i sent you "love" sign in fb or mms..doesnt mean that i love you..
just because i say that you are nice..doesnt mean that my girlfriend is worse than you..
just because i say that you are different from other girls..doesnt mean that you are really different from the girl that i used to know.
just because i say that i miss you..doenst mean that i really is just "pemanis ayat" to start a conversation with you..

sometimes..the word not special anymore because you can simply say it to someone..

ianya..yup melukakan tapi memang kenyataan..ianya like urmm..kejam but thats the reality..
sorry to is always like just a normal thingy...thinking many other girls that he keep copying and pasting too?
but we as women..please..dont be that perasan.seriously..dont be that kind of "whateve type of girl"..

berapa ramai antara kite..yang frust menonggeng sebab sikap terlalu perasan and beremosi..orang baru ajak keluar..kite dah rase macam dia nak kapel dgn kite..orang baru cakap i love u..kita dh rase yang dia tu bakal imam kite.
and bila perkara tu sekerap jalan..mula lah kite frust menonggeng pastu mula lah update status "broken heart" thingy..

thats why kite sebagai perempuan jangan cepat menggelabah and perasan..sungguh.
kite tak boleh salahkan lelaki..kadang2 diorang memang nakal and sesaje je..kadang2 diorang after text kite tu..terus letak handphone pastu pergi main snooker pastu hujung minggu bawak gf pergi jumpa mak pastu ajak kawen pastu kawen..

kite plak lepas je dapat msg "thanks teman saya makan td..will miss u"..terus balas " welcome..i miss u more and more"..pastu continue with "awak..kenapa x balas msg saya"...then continue with " awak cuba nak mainkan saya ea??, then continue with " menyesal saya kenal awak, then continue with " sampai ati awak buat macam ni kat saya, then continue with " pergi jahanam jantan tak guna!!"

lepas tu kite pon mengadu dekat kawan kite yg kite kena tinggal dengan lelaki tu and kawen ngn orang lain..pastu lelaki tu kena kutuk kaw2 dgn kawan kite and baru kite puas hati padahal ???
nampak tak kebodohan kite?

sebab itu..kite perlu cool dulu..tengok orang tu serious tak dengan kite baru kite bleh on dengan apa2 relationship ni..
yelah..zaman sekarang..ayat manis2 ni tak pakai dah..kadang2 dia forward dari mana2 je kat kite pastu mulalah kite merenung bulan malam2..

then last2..harapkan bulan.bulan tak jatuh2 keriba..

thanks for reading this